Asynchronous JavaScript
In the below-given example we can see that, we are calling getPost()
function before and after createPost()
function still “Post Three” is not loading. That’s because, getPost
gets executed in 1s and createPost
is called after 2s, after the DOM is painted.
Posts Object
const posts = [
title: "Post One" ,
body: "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit." ,
title: "Post Two" ,
body: "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit." ,
1. Using Callback
function getPosts () {
setTimeout (() => {
let output = "" ;
posts. map (( post ) => {
output += `<h1>${ post . title }</h1> ${ post . body } \n ` ;
document.body.innerHTML = output;
}, 1000 );
function createPost ( post , callback ) {
setTimeout (() => {
posts. push (post);
callback ();
}, 2000 );
createPost (
title: "Post Three" ,
body: "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui nisi dicta eligendi velit unde tempora modi quod ratione suscipit! Laboriosam." ,
2. Using Promise
function getPosts () {
setTimeout (() => {
let output = "" ;
posts. map (( post ) => {
output += `<h1>${ post . title }</h1> ${ post . body } \n ` ;
document.body.innerHTML = output;
}, 1000 );
function createPost ( post ) {
return new Promise (( resolve , reject ) => {
setTimeout (() => {
posts. push (post);
let error = true ;
if (error) reject ( "Error: Something went wrong" );
else resolve ();
}, 2000 );
createPost ({
title: "Post Three" ,
body: "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui nisi dicta eligendi velit unde tempora modi quod ratione suscipit! Laboriosam." ,
}). then (getPosts);
3. Using Async / Await
function getPosts () {
setTimeout (() => {
let output = "" ;
posts. map (( post ) => {
output += `<h1>${ post . title }</h1> ${ post . body } \n ` ;
document.body.innerHTML = output;
}, 1000 );
function createPost ( post ) {
return new Promise (( resolve , reject ) => {
setTimeout (() => {
posts. push (post);
let error = false ;
if (error) reject ( "Error: Something went wrong" );
else resolve ();
}, 2000 );
async function init () {
// It will wait until createPost is completely executed
await createPost ({
title: "Post Three" ,
body: "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit" ,
getPosts ();
init ();
Fetch API using async await
const API = "" ;
async function getUser () {
const res = await fetch ( API );
const data = await res. json ();
console. log (data);
getUser ();